Pengertian Recount Text (What is Recount Text)
Recount text is
a text which retells events or experiences in the past (sebuah teks yang
menceritakan kembali kejadian atau peristiwa di masa lampau). Cerita tersebut
dapat berupa aksi atau aktivitas sebelum seseorang menuliskan teks.
Misal, bercerita
tentang aktivitas berlibur, mengikuti perlombaan, dan masih banyak lagi.
Tujuan Recount Text (The
Purpose of Recount Text)
The pupose of Recount text is to inform or to entertain the readers.”tujuannya adalah memberikan informasi mengenai suatu kejadian pada pembaca, atau menghibur pembaca. Lagi-lagi, dalam bahasa Inggris bisa kita katakan “
1. Orientation
Sebagian besar teks
akan diawali dengan orientation. Dalam bahasa Indonesia, artinya
orientasi atau pengenalan. isi dari orientation adalah
informasi mengenai tokoh atau karakter, lokasi, waktu kejadian, etc.
Melalui orientation,
harapannya pembaca dapat memahami jalan/alur cerita dari penulis. Contoh orientation dalam recount
A few years ago, I had
the opportunity to go on a vacation to one of my dream countries, Turkey. I
went there with my husband. We departed from Soekarno-Hatta Airport in
Tangerang. We had a very long flight for around 12 hours by Turkish Airlines
and we landed at Istanbul Airport, Istanbul.
Dapat kita lihat dari
potongan paragraf di atas, bahwa penulis mengenalkan tokoh, lokasi, dan juga waktu peristiwa yang akan diceritakan.
2. Series of Events(Rangkain
On the first day, due
to exhaustion, we just stayed at the hotel near Hagia Sophia to rest. The next
day, we left for Taksim to visit one of the popular destinations, Galata Tower.
We saw a lot of shopping centers and local authentic cafes there. After that,
we visited one of the Malaysian restaurants that I really wanted to visit in
the Blue Mosque area.
3. Reorientation
Dalam membuat recount
text, akhir dari sebuah cerita disebut dengan reorientation.
Pada bagian ini, penulis akan menuangkan rangkuman dan kesimpulan dari
keseluruhan cerita sekaligus memberitahu ending-nya (sad/happy).
Jika ada, author juga akan menambahkan kesan dan pesan
untuk pembaca. Contoh sederhana dari reorientation:
A trip to Turkey a few
years ago was an experience I will never forget for the rest of my life. The
bonus, two weeks after arriving in Indonesia, God trusts us to have the child.
We think that having quality time with a partner is very important.
Ciri-ciri Recount Text (Characteristics
of Recount Text)
1. Meskipun
memiliki tujuan yang sama dengan narrative text untuk menghibur pembaca, Dalam recount
text, tidak ada konflik yang diceritakan oleh penulis.
2. Selalu ada urutan cerita. Misal seperti contoh di atas, yaitu ada hari pertama, hari kedua, dan seterusnya.
Language Features of Recount Text (Kaidah Kebahasaan Recount Text)
1. Using simple past tense
Pola kalimatnya terbagi menjadi dua, yaitu ada verbal
sentence dengan rumus subject + verb 2 + complement dan nominal
sentence yang rumusnya subject + be + complement.
contoh kalimat:
Last week, my friends
and I went to Jogja.
lalu, saya dan teman-teman pergi ke Jogja.)
Went merupakan
bentuk simple past tense dari go.
2. Using specific participant
Recount text juga
erat hubungannya dengan specific participant, yaitu sesuatu
yang memiliki objek tertentu, tidak bersifat umum, dan unik (hanya ada
satu). Contohnya antara lain Istanbul Airport,
Borobudur Temple, Muara Angke, Geusan Ulun Museum, etc.
3. Using personal participant
Personal participant contohnya
seperti I, my group, my friends, my husband, etc. Dalam recount
text, biasanya personal participant akan muncul di bagian orientation sebagai
pengenalan tokoh ataupun karakter dalam cerita.
4. Using action verb
Action verb adalah
kata kerja yang merujuk pada tindakan yang kamu lakukan dan bisa terlihat oleh
orang lain. Verb ini dikenal juga dengan dynamic verb.
Contoh kalimatnya:
First, we visited Parangtritis
kami mengunjungi pantai Parangtritis.)
Visited adalah
kata kerja yang bisa terlihat oleh orang lain.
5. Using linking verb
linking verb,
yaitu kata kerja yang menghubungkan antara subjek dan keterangan.
Tapi, yang harus
digarisbawahi adalah, linking verb digunakan untuk memberi
keterangan deskriptif dan identitas dari subjek. Jadi, bukan merujuk pada
tindakan yang dilakukan oleh subjek.
Beberapa contoh
yang termasuk linking verb adalah be, become, seem,
appear, grow. Be terdiri dari is, am, dan are untuk simple present tense.
Sementara itu, yang berlaku pada recount text adalah
bentuk simple past tense-nya, yaitu was dan were. Contoh
I was busy towards the end of the month and I had to work late.
(Kemarin, saya
sibuk menjelang akhir bulan dan saya harus bekerja lembur.)
Di sana, was berfungsi
untuk menghubungkan antara I dan busy towards the end
of the month.
6. Using chronological connection/sequence
Chronological connection atau
yang dikenal juga sebagai chronological connector/connector of
sequence adalah kata sambung yang digunakan untuk menyatakan urutan
terjadinya peristiwa. Tentunya kaidah ini sejalan dengan definisi
dari recount text itu sendiri.
Chronological connector berguna
untuk menyatakan aktivitas yang terjadi lebih dulu dan mana yang terjadi
selanjutnya. Kata sambung ini memudahkan pembaca untuk memahami urutan
peristiwa secara keseluruhan. Contoh chronological connector adalah then,
next, in the end, in addition, dan lain sebagainya. Perhatikan contoh
berikut ini:
We looked around in that Zoo, and also
took pictures of those animals. Then, we felt hungry, so we went to a
melihat-lihat di Kebun Binatang itu, dan juga memotret binatang-binatang
itu. Kemudian, kami merasa lapar, jadi kami pergi ke restoran.)
7. Using conjunction
Conjunction adalah
bagian dari part of speech yang tugasnya
adalah menghubungkan dua kata, frasa, atau
kalimat. Contoh-contoh conjunction dalam recount
text adalah and, or,
until, although, while, but, and many more. Begini
jika diaplikasikan dalam kalimat:
One of my friends warned me that Samyang
was very spicy, but I didn’t want to listen to her.
satu teman saya memperingatkan saya bahwa Samyang sangat
pedas, tetapi saya tidak mau mendengarkannya.)
8. Using adverbs(kata Keterangan)
Contoh extremely, carefully, slowly, etc.
contohnya adalah:
She walked carefully.
berjalan dengan hati-hati.)
Carefully berperan untuk menerangkan kata kerja walked.
9. Using adverb(ial) phrase
Adverbial phrase adalah
frasa yang bersifat adverb, alias frasa yang fungsinya menjelaskan. Kalau adverb adalah
bagian kalimat yang fungsinya menjelaskan keseluruhan kalimat, verb,
adjective, atau adverb lain.
dalam teks recount adalah adverb
phrase of time dan adverb phrase of place yang
berfungsi untuk menerangkan waktu dan tempat kejadian.
Adverb phrase of time: Camelia
found her book in the classroom. (Camelia menemukan bukunya di
Adverb phrase of place: My
team won the volleyball tournament last week. (Tim saya memenangkan turnamen
bola voli minggu lalu.)
10. Using time connectives and sequence
Connectives ini adalah kata atau frasa
yang menghubungkan bagian kata, frasa, klausa atau kalimat. Adapun time
connectives contohnya adalah in the meantime, the next day,
Selain itu, ada juga sequence connective untuk mengurutkan sebuah informasi berdasarkan langkahnya. Contoh: before, after, then, first, second, third, finally, at last.
Macam-macam Recount Text (Types
of Recount Text)
1. Personal Recount
Personal recount
text adalah
salah satu jenis teks yang bertujuan untuk menceritakan mengenai
pengalaman pribadi penulis.
2. Factual
Factual recount text merupakan
cerita untuk menyajikan laporan terkait peristiwa yang terjadi berdasarkan
fakta (benar-benar terjadi).Contohnya seperti laporan mengenai percobaan sains a.k.a ilmu
pengetahuan ataupun laporan kepolisian.
3. Imaginative
Bukan cuma teks naratif, recount
text juga memiliki jenis imaginative. Imaginative
recount adalah teks yang biasa digunakan seseorang sebagai cerita dari
peristiwa imajinatif yang dialami oleh seseorang. Contohnya recount
text yang menceritakan pengalaman penulis mengenai khayalan yang ia
dapat dari mimpi.
4. Historical
Historical recount adalah
bentuk recount text yang isinya menceritakan peristiwa
Contohnya tentang proklamasi kemerdekaan Indonesia.
Examples of Recount Text (Contoh Recount
Contoh Personal
Recount Text
A Trip to the National Zoo and Aquarium
Yesterday, my family
and I went to the National Zoo and Aquarium to visit the new Snow Cubs and the
other animals. In the morning, when we got to the Zoo and Aquarium there was a
great big line, so we had to wait awhile to get in.
After we entered the zoo, we went straight to the enclosure for the Snow Cubs. My brother and I were so excited to see them. They were so cute and playful. At lunchtime Dad decided to cook a bbq. He cooked sausages so we could have sausage sandwiches. My Mom forgot the tomato sauce so we had to eat them plain. In the afternoon, we visited the aquarium. My brother was excited to see the sharks and the tropical fish. At the end of the day when we left we were going to go and get ice cream but we decided we were too tired so we drove straight home, but of course I was very happy.
Contoh Factual
Recount Text
On Children's Day in
1999, a technology company treated more than 200 underprivileged children to a
'high-tech' experience. They were given training on information technology. The
company wanted to provide opportunities for these children to learn more about
the Internet and the latest technology. They wanted to help the less fortunate
in the community.
The children had an
enjoyable and educational experience that day. They were exposed to the new
technology for the first time and they were very interested. The company hoped
to conduct many more such training sessions for these children. They felt that
the skills the children had would be useful to them when they grew up.
The company was very
active in caring for the less fortunate. They even put aside one day a year for
their employees to do volunteer work to help the needy. They also donated money
to many charitable organizations. Many people had benefited from their efforts.
Many also praised the company for being so generous towards the needy.
Contoh Imaginative
Recount Text
I dreamed of being a
superhero when I was a teenager. I imagined myself as Spiderman.
One day, when I was
fishing at the river I was bitten by a spider and luckily I was not dying. At
first I felt cold for 24 hours and I was alone in my room. Nobody knew about
it. I didn’t tell my family because I was afraid they would be angry with me.
After that, something had happened in my body and I still did not recognize it.
I lived as I did usually, went to school, went home, ate, did some activities
and so on.
I realized at the first
time that I had a superpower was when I was in an accident. I rode a motorcycle
and suddenly a bus crashed into me. I bounced out of the road and my motorcycle
was totally broken. But in that case, I did not feel any pain. There was no
blood out of my body. I was angry at that time because the bus did not stop and
escaped. I ran after it and I didn’t know why I could run so fast and jump so
I jumped to the back of
the bus and climbed it like a spider. I went to the front, stopped the bus and
took the driver out of the bus door. I knew that I was no longer a normal human
being. I did nothing more to the bus driver. I went back home and decided what
to do after that.
I did nothing like Spiderman in the movie that helped people to catch the criminals. I was an opportunist super hero. I was afraid of killing people so that I hid my power from anybody else. I used my power only when I or my family and friends got into danger.
Contoh Historical
Recount Text
For more than 30 years,
Indonesia was governed by Suharto as the president after the era of President
Soekarno. As the people started to feel injustice, several cracks emerged that
shook the political condition. Political tensions in the capital city increased
by the numerous riots that occurred in several cities and violent ethnic
The government became
unstable and struggled as a monetary crisis hit Asia in the second half of
1997. Indonesia suffered the most. Prices rose massively and many businesses
went bankrupt. As the economy fell down, people got angry and protests occurred
everywhere. The protests became bigger and riots started in many parts of
During the monetary
crisis, Suharto could maintain his position as president when he was re-elected
in March 1998. However, Suharto did not do anything that could help the
economy. As the government seemed helpless in bringing the economy back, people
demanded President Suharto to step down.
Demonstrations were
held everywhere and it became the peak with the Trisakti incident on 12 May
1998. Four students were shot to death when demonstrating at Trisakti
University at Jakarta and 9 students were killed at Semanggi. The incident led
to huge riots in Jakarta and various cities all over Indonesia.
Finally, Suharto was
pushed to step down and the reformation era began in Indonesia.
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