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Kelas/Semester            :   XI / Ganjil

Mata Pelajaran            :    Bahasa Inggris

Hari/Tanggal               :    Selasa, 23 Juli 2024

Nama siswa                 :     .......................................................................................................

Materi pembelajaran  :   Mengidentifikasi fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan    teks interaksi transaksional terkait saran dan tawaran sesuai konteks penggunaannya

Tuliskan ungkapan – ungkapan tersebut dan sebutkan penggunaannya apakah dalam situasi formal atau informal.

Let's watch this video about offer and suggestion below!


Latihan Soal

Part 1

Read the dialogue below, and answer the questions.

Andy   :           It’s mother’s day next week. What are we going to give to Mum? Bobby : How about getting her a box of chocolate?

Cindy :           No, I don’t think it’s a good idea. You know she is on a strict diet, and she never eats sweets!.

Andy   :           Alright, shall we get her a flower vase, then? Bobby : No. She already has some.

Andy   :           Well, why don’t we buy her new gardening tools? She loves gardening.

Cindy :           That’s a good idea!.

Bobby             :           Ok, let’s go and buy her gardening tools.

Adapted from https://www.eslprintables.com/speaking_worksheets/role_plays/make_suggestions_3651/


1.         In your opinion, what is the relationship between the three speakers?

2.         What are they discussing about?

3.         Can you identify the expressions of making suggestions in the dialogue and the response? Mention them!


Part 2

Read the dialogue below and answer the questions!

Dhea    : Have you heard that the due date for the final project is extended? Riza : No, is it true?

Dhea    : Yes. It will be due next month.

Riza     : That’s wonderful! I haven’t even started yet.

Dhea    : Would you need my help?

Riza     : No, thanks. I’ll do it as soon as possible. I know that you’re as busy as I am.

Dhea    : Okay. Just let me know if you need my help.


1.         What is the relationship between Dhea and Riza?

2.         Has Riza finished his project?

3.         What does Dhea offer to Riza?

4.         Write the expressions used by Dhea in giving an offer!


Part 3

Complete the following dialogue using the responses to thesuggestions and offers!

1.         Brad                : May I help you Sir?

            Mr. Lewis        :...................................................................................................

2.         Lucy                : Why don’t you join us for lunch?

            Anna               :......................................................................................................

3.         Sandra             : Would you like me to do the ironing for you? Auntie :

4.         Robby                         :           I think we should go and pick your father up from the airport.

            Kenny             :           ........................................................................................................

5.         Tom     :           Shall we go to the travel agent this afternoon to book our ticket?

            Ryan    :           .........................................................................................................



Pada kegiatan pembelajaran 1 ini kalian akan membaca dan mempelajari contoh-contoh dialog memberikan saran dan tawaran beserta responnya. Ayo kita mulai kegiatan belajar kita dengan memahami ungkapan memberikan saran dan tawaran yang ada dalam dialog.


Practice 1

Read the following dialogue between Sandra and Julia. You can also practice the dialogue with your friends.

Dialogue 1

Sandra :           Hi, Julia. Do you have a plan for the weekend? Julia : No, I have no plan yet.

Sandra :           Would you like to go to the beach?

Julia     :           I think it’s not a good idea. Why don’t we take a cooking class? It could be fun.

Sandra :           Cooking class? That sounds good.


Dialogue 2

Willy   :           You look confused. What’s the matter?

Harry   :           I haven’t finished my English project. It’s due tomorrow. Willy : How if we do it together? Do you mind if I help you? Harry : That sounds great. It would be very helpful. Thank you.


Setelah membaca dialog di atas, apakah kalian menemukan ungkapan-ungkapan yang digunakan untuk memberikan saran dan tawaran? Berilah garis bawah pada ungkapan saran dan tawaran yang kalian temukan.

Nah, sekarang ayo kita pahami makna dari kedua dialog tersebut terutama terkait fungsi sosia l dan struktur teks ungkapan memberikan saran dan tawaran. Untuk itu, coba kerjakan dahulu latihan soal berikut ini.


Practice 2

Answer the following questions based on the dialogues above!

1.         What is dialogue 1 about?

2.         What is dialogue 2 about?

3.         Can you find the expressions of making suggestion in dialogue 1? Please mention it.

4.         What are the responses to the suggestions given?

5.         Can you find the expressions of making offer in dialogue 2? Please mention it.

6.         What are the responses to the offers given?

7.         Why does the speaker in dialogue 1 give a suggestion?

8.         Why does the speaker in dialogue 2 give an offer?

Bagaimanakah jawaban kalian untuk Practice 2? Tidak sulit bukan untuk memahami makna dari ungkapan memberikan saran dan tawaran serta responnya. Coba bandingkan jawaban dibawah ini dengan hasil kerja k alian.

1.         Dialogue 1 is about giving and receiving a suggestion for a weekend plan.

2.         Dialogue 2 is about giving and receiving an offer of help.

3.         The expressions of making suggestions in dialogue 1 are:

- Would you like to go to the beach?

- Why don’t we take cooking class?

4.         The responses to the suggestions are :

- I think it’s not a good idea. (refusing)

- That sounds good. (accepting)

5.         The expressions of making offer is:

- How if we do it together?

- Do you mind if I help you?

6.         The responses to the offer:

- That sounds great.

- It would be very helpful.

- Thank you.

7.         To give an idea or solution and to show that she cares.

8.         To give a help and to show that he cares.

Nah, kalian sudah mampu menjawab semua pertanyaan di Practice 2 dengan benar, bukan?

Well done. It seems that you learn fast.

Sekarang ayo kita lanjutkan belajar kita dengan mempelajari penggunaan ciri kebahasaan pada ungkapan-ungkapan memberikan saran dan tawaran.

Practice 3

Now we will discuss other phrases/expressions used for making suggestions and offers with the responses. Read the explanation carefully and note them down in your note book.

1.         Making Suggestions

To suggest means to introduce or to propose an idea or a plan for someone’s consideration. It can be in the form of a solution, advice, plan, and an idea. It can be accepted or refused. Here are some common phrases used to make suggestions:

1.    How about + subject + simple verb form

How about we have lunch at the new Japanese restaurant?

2.     How about + gerund

How about having lunch at the new Japanese restaurant?

3.     What about + gerund

What about playing table tennis after school?

4.     Why don’t + subject + simple verb form

Why don’t we take a walk to the park?

5.      Why not + simple verb form

Why not buy yourself a new schoolbag?

6.      Let’s + simple verb form

Let’s go to the beach this weekend.

7.   Shall +subject + smple verb form (with the subjects I and We)

Shall we tell her the good news now?

8.    Subject + should + simpl verb form

You shoul give her a present on her birthday.

9.     Subject + could + simple verb form

We could share a ride to the airport.

10.   I suggest/ recommend + that + sentence

I suggest that you take driving course.

I recommend that you take driving course.

As you can see most of the expressions used for making suggestions are in question form. Now, let’s learn how to respond to the expressions of making suggestions.

Accepting Suggestions:

• Yes, please

• Ok, thanks

• That’s a good idea

• That sounds great

• Ok. Let’s …

• Perfect. I love it

Refusing suggestions :

• No. I’d rather not

• Sorry.I don’t feel like it

• No. Let’s not …

• I think it’s not a good idea

• I am not sure

2.         Making Offers

To offer means that you would like to do or to give something for someone, to provide product, service, etc. Offers can be in terms of money, food, friendship, solution, or a bargain. It can be accepted or refused.

Here are some common phrases used to make offers. You can use modal verbs such as can, would, shall.

Making offers Accepting offers Refusing offers

Would you like me to take you home?

That would be very kind of you.

No, thanks. Don’t bother

Can I help you do the homework?

Sure. I really appreciate it.

Thanks, but I can do it myself.

Shall I get you something to drink?

Yes, please. Thank you.

No, thank you.

Is there anything I can do for you?

Yes, please. That would be very nice of you.

No, really. I can manage

Do you need help?

Yes, if you wouldn’t mind.

No, don’t worry.

Gunakan ungkapan-ungkapan yang telah kalian pelajari di atas untuk melengkapi dialog-dialog berikut ini.

Practice 4

Complete the following dialogues using expressions of making suggestions or offers.

1.         Jason   :           What shall we do this weekend?

            Ron     :           ............................................................................................................

            Jason   :           That sounds great. How about Pasir Putih beach? Ron : Great idea.

2.         Jenny   :           It’s hard to get a taxi at this hour. I’ll get home late.

            Bobby             :           ................................................................................................

            Jenny   :           Thanks. How nice you are.

3.         Julia     :           I don’t know what to do during our school holidays.

            Mia      :           ..............................................................................................................

            Julia     :          I think I’ll definetly do it. I’m sure I will learn a lot from the camp and make many friends.

4.         Jerry    :           I don’t understand this math homework.

            Sam     :           ....................................................................................................................

            Jerry    :           Yes, can you please explain this formula to me?

            Sam     :           Sure

5.         Ben      :           I am not good at making good power point for my presentation.

            Celia    :           ....................................................................................................................

            Ben      :           Oh, okay. I will ask him then.

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