Ada banyak ungkapan yang dapat digunakan untuk meminta saran (Suggestion), salah satu caranya adalah dengan menggunakan kata "shall" yang berarti akan atau sebaiknya
Shall I / We + Verb 1
1. Shall we go home early?
(Apakah sebaiknya kita pulang lebih awal?)
2. Shall I apologize to her?
(Apakah sebaiknya aku minta maaf kepadanya?)
3. Shall I get a new job?
(Apakah sebaiknya aku mencari pekerjaan baru?)
4. What shall I say to my parents?
(Apa yang sebaiknya aku katakan pada orang tuaku?)
5. Where shall we go this holiday?
(Kemana sebaiknya kita pergi liburan kali ini?)
1. Should I go to the clinic?
(Haruskah aku pergi ke klinik?)
2. What should I do?
(Apa y ang harus aku lakukan?)
3. Do you have any suggestion?
(Apakah kamu punya saran?)
4. What do you recommend?
(Apa yang kamu rekomendasikan?)
5. Do you have any idea?
(Apakah kamu punya ide?)
Salah satu cara untuk memberikan saran (Suggestion) adalah dengan menggunakan kata "could" yang berarti bisa/dapat atau "might" yang berarti mungkin/ boleh.
1. You could go home early.
(Kamu bisa pulang lebih awal)
2. You could apologize to make situation better.
(Kamu dapat meminta maaf untuk membuat situasi lebih baik)
3. You could find a new job.
(Kamu dapat mencari pekerjaan baru)
4. You might tell your problem to your parents.
(Kamu boleh menceritakan masalahmu pada orang tuamu)
5. We might go to Komodo Island together this holiday.
(Kita mungkin dapat pergi ke pulau komodo bersama-sama liburan kali ini)
A. You should + Verb 1
1. You shoud see the doctor.
(Kamu harus pergi ke dokter)
2. You should finish your job immediately.
(Kamu harus menyelesaikan pekerjaanmu dengan segera)
B. Why don't you + Verb 1
1. Why don't you try a new restaurant in downtown.
(Kenapa kamu tidak mencoba restoran baru di pusat kota)
2. Why don't you search on the internet about your task.
(Kenapa kamu tidak mencari di internet tentang tugasmu)
C. How about + Verb -ing / Noun
1. How about going picnic this saturday?
(Bagaimana kalau pergi piknik sabtu ini?)
2. How about picnic?
(Bagaimana kalau piknik?)
3. How about inviting Emma Watson?
(Bagaimana kalau mengundang Emma Watson?)
D. What about + Verb -ing / Noun
1. What about going picnic this saturday?
(Bagaimana kalau pergi piknik sabtu ini?)
2. What about picnic?
(Bagaiaman kalau piknik?)
3. What about eating ramen for lunch?
(Bagaimana kalau makan ramen untuk makan siang?)
E. If I were you, I would + Verb 1
1. If I were you, I would accept that offer.
(Kalau aku jadi kamu, aku akan menerima tawaran itu)
2. If I were you, I would continue to university.
(Kalau aku jadi kamu, aku akan melanjutkan ke universitas)
F. Let's + Verb 1
1. Let's pray before we study.
(Mari kita berdo'a sebelum kita belajar)
2. Let's find a good book in the library.
(Mari kita cari buku yang bagus di perpustakaan)
1. Sounds great.
(Kedengarannya bagus)
2. Sounds good to me.
(Kedengarannya bagus buatku)
3. That's a good idea.
(Itu adalah ide yang bagus)
4. Ok.
5. Let's do that.
(Mari kita lakukan itu)
6. I'm up for it.
(Aku bersedia/ mau)
1. Maybe some other time.
(Mungkin suatu waktu, lain kali)
2 . I'd / We'd better not.
(Aku / Kita sebaiknya tidak [tidak mengikuti/melakukan saran yang diberikan])
3. I don't think it's a good idea.
(Aku pikir itu bukan ide yang bagus)
4. I'm not sure about that.
(Aku tidak yakin tentang hal itu)
Contoh dialog
Dialog 1
Marina: I've been studying Algebra for a month, but I still don't understand.
Shall I quit studying?
Tina: Don't quit, why don't you take private course? You might find it easier.
Marina: Sounds good to me.
Dialog 2
Rusli: I feel bored. We don't have anything to do, and We still have a week until our holiday is over.
Do you have any idea?
Anang: What about joining summer camp?
Rusli: Where?
Anang: Near Michigan lake.
Rusli: I'm not sure about that, we don't have any equipment for camping.
Dialog 3
Elma: Why do you look so sad?
Ingrid: My friend picks on me. She takes my picture without my permission. She makes fun of it and then shares it to class group.
I ask her to stop, but she never listen. What should I do?
Elma: Why don't you tell it to your homeroom teacher?
Ingrid: I don't think it's a good idea.
Elma: Why? I think it's one of good option. Your homeroom teacher will do something about it.
Ingrid: Alright then. Thanks for your suggestion.
Elma: It's not a problem.
Beberapa contoh ungkapan memberikan tawaran, rumus yang gunakan adalah sebagai berikut:
Would you like + Noun / To infinitive
1. Would you like a glass of orange juice?
(Maukah kamu segelas jus jeruk?)
2. Would you like to go to the cinema with me?
(Maukah kamu pergi ke bioskop dengan ku?)
Contoh ungkapan memberikan tawaran yang lain:
1. Can / May I help you?
(Bisakah / bolehkah aku membantumu?)
2. What can I do for you?
(Apa yang bisa aku lakukan untukmu?)
3. May I give you a ride?
(Bolehkah aku memberimu tumpangan?)
4. Do you want more coffee?
(Apakah kamu mau kopi lagi?)
5. Could I offer you some ice cream?
(Bisakah aku menawari mu es krim?)
6. Would you like me to tun on the AC?
(Apakah kamu mau aku menyalakan AC?)
Apabila kita ingin menerima tawaran seseorang kita dapat mengatakan:
Yes, I'd love to.
(Ya, saya suka)
Sure, thank you.
(Tentu, terima kasih)
Yes please, thank you.
(Ya silahkan, terima kasih)
That's very kind of you.
(Kamu baik sekali)
That would be very nice.
(Itu akan sangat menyenangkan)
1. Thank you for your kindness, but I can handle it.
(Terima kasih atas kebaikanmu, tapi aku bisa mengatasinya)
2. I'm sorry I can't.
(Maaf aku tidak bisa)
3. Thank you, but I'm busy at this moment.
(Terima kasih, tapi aku sedang sibuk saat ini)
4. Thank you, but I'm not hungry / thirsty.
(Terima kasih, tapi aku tidak lapar / haus)
5. I'd love to but . . . .
(Aku suka tapi . . . .)
6. No, but thank you for the offer.
(Tidak, tapi terima kasih atas tawarannya)
Contoh dialog
Frank: You seem so busy with those boxes, what are in those boxes?
Matt: These are my old books, I'm moving them to the ware house.
Frank: May I help you?
Matt: Sure, thank you. It will be helpful.
Frank: No problem.
Nikita: Is it just me, or today is really hot?
Mela: I think the weather is hot. Do you want some water?
Nikita: No, thanks. I've my own. Maybe I just need some fresh air.
Mela: Would you like me to open the window?
Nikita: Yes please, thank you. I think it would be better.
Mela: Sure.
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